Version 0.2.0 - Now accept compressed input files. - Added option "-T", which searches 3'-end first, then the best match's 5'-adaptor is used for 5'-end search. This is useful when the barcodes are in the 3'-end and option "-B" is used. - Added option "-k", which keeps all reads in the same output file specified by -o, even for failed reads. - Added option "-K" to keep failed reads in a separate output file. - Changed phred_offset=33 as default for the quality scores. The new version is compatible with the previous versions: the "-S" option is still accepted with the same effect as the default (phred_offset=33). The option "-i" will switch to phred_offset=64. - Added option "-z" to compress the output file. The command for compression can be specified by option "-Z", with default="/bin/gzip -f". - More summary information is added, such as the error distributions for each adaptor.