This document contains information for the simulation program for "Distributions of positive signals in pyrosequencing". The name of the simulation program is "sbs_ffcm_r.c". The structure and usage of the program is very similar to "sbs_ffcm_simul.c", the program to simulate sequence length distribution. Actually "sbs_ffcm_r.c" includes the functions of "sbs_ffcm_simul.c", and more. So please also refer to the "readme.txt" for more information. To compile the program, use something like this: gcc -o sbs_ffcm_r -W -Wall -O3 sbs_ffcm_r.c -lm Two binary executables are also included: sbs_ffcm_r_32 for 32-bit computers and sbs_ffcm_r_64 for 64-bit computers. To run the program, ./sbs_ffcm_r -f 10 -r 2000000 -a 0.333333333 -b 0.090909091 -c 0.432900433 -d 0.142857143 -A 1 -B 1 -C 1 -D 1 The file "sbs_ffcm_r_100_repeat_20000000_A0.333_1.00_B0.091_1.00_C0.433_1.00_D0.143_1.00" contains the output of a sample simulation run. Yong Kong Yale University