Calculating complexity of large randomized libraries

This site calculates the expected number of unique sequences and its variance for oligonucleotide-directed randomized libraries with arbitrary nucleotide mixture ratios.

Reference: Kong Y. (2009) Calculating complexity of large randomized libraries, J Theor Biol. 259:641-5.Link

Enter the number of transformants

Enter the nucleotide ratios of the mixtures. The format is 1:2:3:4 10, with the ratio followed by the number of bases with that nucleotide ratio, separated by a space.

Example: for (X)6(Y)7(Z)8, where X has a ratio 1:1:1:2, Y has a ratio 2:3:4:5, and for Z the ratio is 1:2:2:10, you should enter 1:1:1:2 6 2:3:4:5 7 1:2:2:10 8.

Calculate the variance?

Yong Kong, PhD
Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Bioinformatics Resource
W.M. Keck Foundation Biotechnology Resource Laboratory
Yale University
333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510
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